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Ne-arai Yamadori


Ne-Arai Yamadori

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Ne-arai Yamadori

Root booster


Ne-Arai Yamadori is an organic liquid bio-stimulant suitable for organic farming,according to the regulation RCE n°834/2007.


  • Boosts the revival of bonsaï
  • Supports the recovery of yamadori
  • Ideal after repotting work
  • Helps plants to recover from stress
  • Activation of the healing of the root wounds
  • Stimulates root growth
  • Reinforces the resistance to abiotic and work stress
  • Dose wise bottle
  • Special features and instructions of use : 
    Its specific formula facilitates the recovery and the starting of the plants. It is suitable for all trees and shrubs cultivated in pot or in the open groung. Vital to uprooted plants. Recommended after any work on the roots (uprooting, pruning, repotting,…).It considerably shortens the shock period s related to uprooting. It activates the healing of root wounds. It stimulates the growth of roots, develops the root hair, hence helping an utmost use of the soil and water reserves and of the available nutrients. It reinforces the resistance to abiotic stress and to the shock after repotting preventing the deficiency of the plant hormones, which ensure the good health of the plants.
  • Curative application:

  • It revives the biological activity of the plant. It is particularly recommended for weakened, stressed or inhibited plants.
  • Ensures a sustainable and efficient recovery allowing a better assimilation of water and nutrients.
  • Builds strong and powerful roots for cuttings, for your plants from seeds ensuring vigour and reactivity on bonsai-to-be young trees.
  • Real booster, visible results within a few weeks only


  • Preventive application:
  • Before starting any work, it brings the vital balance back.
  • When used regularly, it develops the roots, optimizes the nutrition acting on the growth of the leaves, the flowers and fruits.
  • It activates a better resistance of the plant when confronted to stress and work.
  • If used a fortnight before the repotting, as the last watering before working on the plant, it allows a better preparation of the latter.
  • As a systematic use when working on the roots, it restores a resistance and a safe recovery.
  • For young trees grown from cuttings and seeds, it allows a balanced vigour.
  • Controls the stress during a change of cultivation method (change from the open ground to a pot or vice versa).
  • Slows down the root decline due to high temperatures and water variances.
  • Other characteristics:
  • It is a healthy product and doesn’t belong to any toxicological classification. Qualitative culture and eco-friendly. It allows the roots to extend its prospecting within the ground or the soil. Thus the fertilizer is more assimilated by the roots and leaches less into groundwater.

    It does not cause burning because of its low nitrogen content.
    Economic packaging.


  • Composition :

  • Formula of 100 % plant origin
  • 50 %  dry material residue.
  • Riche in polyphenols and amino acids including cysteine.

  • Dosage and instructions of use :

  • Shake the bottle before using it
  • Rate: Press the pump once  for 1 liter of water i.e. 5ml per liter of water.
  • How often: You can renew the application 2 or 3 times once a fortnignt


When to use the fertilizer :

























Can be used individually or in combination with other products of the ShiZen Nutrition range.


Advice and caution :

  • Store the products in dry conditions away from heat, frost and light. Make sure you close the bottle properly after each use.
  • Pour the water on the product for better dilution.
  • Always dilute the product before use. IF not diluted, it can irritate the eyes and the skin.
  • Water the soil before using the fertilizer.
  • Organic fertilizers are particularly odorous. Prepare the dilution only at the last minute and use gloves when handling the product.


Packaging :

Handy, reliable and neat dose-wise pump allowing you to preserve the efficiency of the product for a long time.

Bottle of 50 ml- 100 ml -200 ml.


Ne-arai yamadori can be combined with other products of the range:


The Plant booster and stress reducing agent Super Thrive :Bonsaï Activ’protect
Liquids Fertilizers : Bonsaï Mizu- Haru spring, Bonsaï Mizu-aki autumn


Fertilizer balls :  Tamahi Gold Organic 553+Tamahi 421 +seido, Tamahi 571+ seido…

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