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Bonsaï Mizu-Haru Spring 5-2-3+
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Bonsaï Mizu-Haru Spring 5-2-3+


Organique enriched liquid fertilizer
Supplementary Spring nutrition for bonsai

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Bonsaï Mizu-Haru Spring 
5-2-3 + 

Organic enriched liquid fertilizer
Supplementary Spring nutrition for bonsai




Bonsai Mizu-Haru is a Spring liquid nutrition fertilizer for Bonsai.

Nutrition, action on regeneration and stimulation of resistance and growth.



  • Long-lasting and highly assimilable fertilization
  • Reduction of leaching losses
  • Stimulation of immune defenses
  • Nutrition of microbial life
  • 100% natural and 100% organic nutrition
  • Highlight of the absorbent capacity of Akadama


Special features and instructions of use : 
Stimulation of bonsai after the winter by raising the nitrogen rate (N) to optimize the growing season. This fertilizer is a supplement which vitalizes the bonsai trees over a short period. It must be used in addition to a basic fertilizer.
The special composition for bonsai is designed to act quickly and meet spring demands without breaking the cultural balance. The perfect combination of nutrients strengthens the resistance and stimulates a good development. Thanks to the diversity of organic material, it is perfectly assimilable and available for all species of bonsai. It boosts the microbial life of the soil for a better assimilation of the nutrients.

Mizu-haru provides a complete, quick, progressive and sustainable nutrition. It respects the growth rate of the bonsai, while improving the quality of its soil by acting directly on the microbial life. Thus Mizu-haru guarantees a regular nutrient release which, combined with the absorbent capacity Akadama, greatly reduces leaching losses occurring when the plant is regularly watered.



Composition :
Iron, natural hormones
Water, beet vinasse, amino acids and seaweed extracts
5% Nitrogen including 5% organic

P : 2% phosphoric anhydride (P2O5)
K : 3% potassium oxide (k2O)




Dosage and instructions of use :

  • Shake the bottle before using it
  • When watering 5 ml per liter of water
  • Use on a soil already wet once every 8 or 10 days


When to use the fertilizer :

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.  Jul Aug Sept. Oct. Nov.  Déc.
      + ++ ++ + + + +  


For outdoor bonsai: Bonsai Kisetsu Mixed all seasons can be used throughout the vegetative stage (spring, summer and autumn).Can be used individually or in combination with other products of the ShiZen Nutrition range.    

  • For subtropical plants (indoor bonsai): can be used all year round once a fortnight. However you should provide less fertilizer during the winter if there is no additional light.
  • (Reminder: for a normal activity during our winter period, the plant needs 12 hours of sun at least).


Advice and caution :

  • Store the products in dry conditions away from heat, frost and light. Make sure you close the bottle properly after each use.
  • Pour the water on the product for better dilution.
  • Always dilute the product before use. IF not diluted, it can irritate the eyes and the skin.
  • Water the soil before using the fertilizer.
  • Organic fertilizers are particularly odorous. Prepare the dilution only at the last minute and use gloves when handling the product.


Packaging :

  • Available in 125 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 L.
  • Preservation optimized thanks to the adapted bottle.


Bonsaï Mizu-Haru Spring  can be combined with other products of the range:

Root booster  : Ne-Arai yamadori

The Plant booster and stress reducing agent Super Thrive Bonsaï Activ’protect
Liquids Fertilizers :  Bonsaï Kisetsu all seasonBonsaï Mizu-aki automne

Fertilizer balls :  Tamahi Gold Organic 553+Tamahi 421 +seidoTamahi 571+ seido…



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